Well the past ten days have really flown by in the Bell household. Some memorable moments include Matthew sticking his thumb in his mouth for the very first time. Granted this solo thumb sucking experience did not last long as Matthew's fingers quickly joined the escapade. We have also taken Matthew out for a lot of walks in his stroller, where we have discovered that Matthew has a genuine love for the outdoors. He definitely looks forward to his time outside and appreciates looking at the trees and listening to the crickets. Matthew also got to take his first big people bath with mom and really delighted in being in the warm water. Since then he has taken two other baths with mom in the big tub, which he enjoys as long as it doesn't last longer than 15-20 minutes at which time he really lets mom and dad know that he has had enough time splashing around. Matthew and mom also went on their first play date on Monday where we met some great moms and children. (There was also another little boy named Matthew). We have also noticed and delighted in the fact that our son smiles more and more each day and has started cooing as well. Matthew continues to take joy in listening to music and he now even has some wrist rattles so that he can join in on the fun. Finally, Matthew has started to grasp onto objects other than our fingers. We hope that you enjoy this week's pictures and video!
This is a picture of the first time Matthew wore pajamas.
I LOVE all the pics but by far am the most in love w/ the Daddy's Little Allstar one where he's smiling! He has simply got the cutest little smile!!