I am sorry that it has taken me so long to provide an update but we have had a busy few weeks. This past Monday Matthew went to the doctor for his two month appointment and we found out that he is now 23 inches long (60th percentile), 11 pounds 10 ounces (50th percentile) and has a head circumference of 15 3/4 inches (50th percentile). Matthew has really taken off with talking. He now coos like crazy. Both Cass and I really enjoy our conversations with him and his reactions. He also has seemed to discover his hands and now thoroughly enjoys putting them in his mouth. In fact, he tries to not only get his entire fist in his mouth but also both hands at the same time. He is starting to discover placing just his thumb in his mouth, but his thumb usually ends up moving along his upper gum line instead of in a conventional sucking position. Matthew received his first (and only) bottle on the 10th when we went to our first family life group. We had a great time and look forward to our second meeting on the 24th. We are looking forward to doing our study on the Book of Isaiah. Matthew still enjoys going for walks outside, although they have been limited lately due to all of the rain and cold weather. He still enjoys looking at trees and other foliage. Matthew has also started to push himself up even further during tummy time and constantly impresses both Cass and I by his strength. Matthew has also enjoyed being in his new bouncer, which mommy also enjoys as it gives her a chance to grab a bite to eat/get dinner ready. Lastly, Matthew has become quite good at holding things for longer and longer periods of time.
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