At this point my contractions were not regular and I still doubted whether or not they were actually contractions as I didn’t feel them in my back and they didn’t wrap around my stomach. Instead I felt them low in my pelvis and they felt more like menstrual cramps. I had had problems sleeping before this and was getting ready to take a walk to help labor progress but when we spoke with the midwife on call at 7:10, Melissa suggested that we sleep instead of walking. Miraculously Cass and I were able to fall asleep and I would wake up about every ten minutes or so during a strong contraction. (It was great that we were able to get some extra sleep this way and that I was able to sleep right through the more “minor” contractions at this time). Cass used the contraction master website to keep track and at this time my intense contractions were not regular as they varied between 7, 9, 10 and 11 minutes apart.
My contractions started to become more regular and so Cass called Melissa and at 11:41 am we got the go ahead for me to get in the tub.
We got in the car about 3:40 and the trip to the birth center was awful. Being forced to sit through the contractions was the worst feeling. I kept telling dh that I was fighting the contractions to which he would just tell me to relax. I told him that I couldn’t while I was sitting in the car. At the traffic lights I begged him to let me get out of the car, but dh said no as he didn’t want me to get hurt. We finally arrived at the birth center a little after 4pm. When we started walking toward the door I became upset as I was scared that we were going to get sent home while at the same time I was scared about pushing. I told my midwife when I saw her that I was a little emotional and I cried for about a minute. She said that it was okay and gave me a hug. We went in the room and she did an internal and to my surprise I was 7 cm dilated and 90% effaced – so we were definitely staying.
It took a long time to fill up the tub in order to get it to the right temperature as the water had to be between 98 and 100 degrees. In the meantime Cass was helping me get through the contractions by rubbing my back or cupping my face in his hands while tickling/rubbing my check and jaw gently. I spent this time at first sitting on a birthing ball and leaning on his lap and later standing during the contractions.
I got out of the tub at one point to go to the bathroom and I still had pains even when I was not contracting. Melissa thought that maybe the baby was on a nerve and she suggested that I walk the hall and go up and down the stairs sideways to try and move the baby into a better position. This served to make the contractions much more intense and frequent. Cass was a big help in motivating me to continue to do the stairs as well as helping me relax during the contractions. Shortly thereafter, Melissa came up and checked me right around 8pm and said that I was 9 ½ cm dilated. She offered to break the rest of my bag of waters. I was unsure if I wanted this done as I was afraid that it would make my contractions more intense. She said that it was whatever I wanted. I said that I would let her know. I got back in the tub but I didn’t have as much relief as I thought that I would have.
After pushing for what seemed like forever, my son’s head came out and I was told to wait. I then asked if I could push him out and Melissa told me no to reach down and grab my baby. It took me a second to register what she had said and so Melissa started to grab him and I quickly took over. At 10:25 our beautiful baby boy, Matthew Isaiah was born.
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