Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Three Months Old

It is hard to believe that Matthew is already three months old. He has really amazed both Cass and I with how much he has grown. Physically he has grown two inches in the past month and over two pounds. (We don't know exactly how much he weighs as he would not stay still when we went to get him weighed last Monday and so the scale never locked in place. The figure was hovering around 13 pounds 10 ounces). Matthew continues to love being outdoors and taking in all the sights. Indoors he really enjoys looking at lights and trying to "steal" glances of the television. Recently he has started doing the doggy paddle in the bathtub and is really proud of his accomplishment. He still loves music and enjoys kicking his legs in his crib. Recently at night he has started sleeping in bed with his mommy, which has resulted in better sleep for both of them. We are looking forward to the holidays and can't wait for Matthew to meet some more of his relatives at Thanksgiving. We will update soon with some holiday pictures. (Mommy is having a very hard time finding him a holiday suit but so far has found two other very cute outfits).

Here is a video from Friday night highlighting Matthew's love for stories:

Friday, November 13, 2009

Happy November!

Matthew has been growing by leaps and bounds. It is hard to believe that in just three days he will be 3 months old. He now weighs almost 14 pounds and I am curious to see how long he is, which Cass and I will find out on his mirthday (month + birthday = mirthday). He is now talking up a storm and has even started shrieking. Matthew also just started laughing and last Saturday was the first time that he laughed while awake. Daddy was playing with him and he laughed right back at Cass. Matthew has also been grabbing and playing with things though not as much development there as with his talking. He rolled over from his tummy to front on the 25th of October but hasn't done it much since then. He also LOVES to stare at lights and does so quite a bit. He has been trying to sit up on his own and gets extremely frustrated when he is unable to do so. Matthew and I flew down to Texas from October 20th until the 24th and we had a great time. Matthew behaved wonderfully on the plane and even received a few compliments. Matthew has also spent some quality time with Granddad, grandmama and grandpa/popop. Sorry to keep this short but Matthew has not been sleeping for very long without me recently and so I need to catch up on some much needed sleep. Please enjoy the pictures and video.

Talking up a storm: